“No matter where you’re coming from, or what your life looks like, the Fun Spot will feel like home. It’s a breath of fresh air, a reminder of the good things in life, and the perfect place to make lasting memories with friends and family. Some of my best moments have taken place in these houses.
Six year olds love it just as much as sixty-six year olds. It’s truly a place that will fit all personalities, made up of everyone who’s ever experienced it. That’s what makes this house a home.”
– Ryan
Our eldest daughter, pictured far right
With 5 kids in tow, each with their own busy schedule, we’ve always valued the importance of getting together as a family and making memories. It doesn’t happen as often as it used to, so we decided to dedicate a place, The Fun Spot, for us to gather each year, no matter where life takes us. That’s also our hope for you. We hope this home becomes your second home, the way it has ours, and you and your family are able to return year after year, forming better memories than the last.